Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Fear and Trembling; Faith

How do you view Faith?

1.      Kierkegaard was raised in strict family; they lived very simple even though they were a wealthy family. His father was always very stressed throughout his life as well as in his religion. Kierkegaard grew up with 6 other siblings and only he and his brother Peter made it past the age of 33. After that Kierkegaard become a lot more religious and started studying theology. He was especially interested in the subject of faith, which is what this article is all about. He married Regina Olsen whom he loved dearly, but that did not last long because he decided to pursue his love and dedication to a life of writing as a religious poet, under the direction of divine Governance. The sacrifice of leaving the wife he loved showed his faith was far greater, just like in the story of Abraham. Abraham sacrificed his love (only son) to pass the divine trial God was putting him through.

2.      For Kierkegaard, faith was very important and he always used the story of Abraham as an example of unmatched faith.  But when people read the story of Abraham now days it is very hard to put yourself in his shoes.  Would you be willing to sacrifice your most prized positions to pass the divine trial and prove your faith?  Would it be possible to give up your one and only son? Many people would be very unsure. I mean, wouldn’t that be considered murder in today’s world? Can such events be justified and seen as a great honor and sacrifice to God? In Kierkegaard’s view they cannot be justified by human means like morals and ethics, it’s a far touchier subject that can only be understood by a religious view and a trial of faith. But then again what is faith considered to people?

3.      Kierkegaard’s view of faith was just like Abraham’s, of course. But most people might confuse faith with just believing. Is it possible to do such a thing? Can faith just be going to church and singing hallelujah? Whatever your view may be, Kierkegaard’s view of faith is full devotion of your life to god. If you really want to be great and let your spirit live on far beyond your body’s life time then you must become a Knight of faith, just like Abraham was considered. To do such a thing you would devote your whole life to God without question. Kierkegaard explains it is hard to know when somebody is a knight of faith just because they blend in with life so well. They admire all their surroundings and go about life with joy and happiness because in their hearts nothing else is needed besides faith in god. Anything below those measures would be considered a knight of infinite resignation, meaning your fine with your life. Meaning you wish to be finite (just live and die). But become a knight of faith, and you will become infinite through your soul.

1.      What does faith mean to you?

2.      Is it possible to be a knight of faith?

3.      Can Abraham's faith be equaled in today’s world?

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